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Lst Last Hours

for Joomla! 1.5, 2.5, 3.0

Read documentation and download module.

A real example below.
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2016 november 30 - We are preparing the new webcam to replace the broken one.
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Module LastHours 1.1.0

Download for Joomla 1.5Joomla! 2.5+3.2

The "Lst_lasthours" module for Joomla! 1.5, 2.5 and 3.2, was created as a simple extension of the Lst_ipcams component, but it can works alone and  it allows a simulation to show last x hours images sent on your Joomla! site by your webcam.

In addition you can use at the same time on the same page different copies of the module with different settings, also with images from different webcams. The only limitation is that all images, also if in different folders, must be on the same server.

It's enough to set the ipcam ID (optional), the images folder, the frame width, the simulation time and time interval between frames.

Basic GUI of 1.1.0 version updated to march 2014 is the same as on version 1.0 beta. However, we added some new graphic settings and other settings relative to the images filename format so the module can be used with more models of webcams than before.

1. title and simulation time; 2. subtitle; 3. frame of images; 4. elapsed time bar; 5. image time - actual frame number / total frames number

Let's explain shortly module settings / preferences.


Ipcam id, images folder, date format in filename, image width, simulation time, simulation speed.

Main parameters, excluding ipcam id that is optional, have to be mandatory set if you want to make the module work correctly. 

Module params: ipcamId, images folder, date format in filename, image width, simulation time, simulation speed

Ipcam Id (optional)

To begin, you have to write the ipcam id that is the beginning of the image filename, or the character string before the date-time.
Now we use for example three files saved by the ipcam at an interval of five minutes:


as ipcam id it's possible to use "myipcam" or "ipcam" or also "myip" but not "2011" because it is part of the snapshot date-time.

The ipcam id can be used if images from more than one webcam are saved in the same folder but we discourage to make that.

Images folder

You have to write the path of the folder where there are your ipcam images. Path is relative to the site root and have to be without starting or ending / character.
Theese are some path examples:



Note: You must not use the \ carachter as folder pah separator because images wouldn't appear on some browsers.

Date format in filename (New!)

This new setting was added to use the module with webcams that have a new filename and/or a different date-hour format from the default one.
With the old version module the webcam had to change the filename format to make it compatible. With this version instead, you can select the right file format of the webcam directly from the module itself!


Image filenames however, must contain the snapshot date and time. Here are different formats that we know, with real examples:

select YYYYMMDDhhmmss
select YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss

select _YY_M?_G?_h?_m?_s?

select YYYYMMDD_hhmmss

select YYYYMMDD-hhmmss

Image width

This is the width of the simulation frame in pixels. The height is calculated directly by the browser in relation to the width.

Simulation time

Is the time period before last registered ipcam image, in minutes. Value will be automatically converted - eventually rounded - in hours.
For example, the value 180 will show 3 hours so, if last snapshot image was saved at 10 o'clock, in the simulation will be showed images from 7 to 10 o'clock.

Simulation speed

Is the time in seconds elapsed between display of actual and the next image (or between two consecutive frames).
Because images used by the simulation are preloaded by browser with their original size, independent from the frame width, it's better to not use values minor of 1 (one second).



Module subtitle text, show subtitle

Module subtitle text

The module subtitle text can be modified by user. This subtitle cannot be empty but you can be hidden by the following setting.

Show subtitle

You can set Yes or No, so you can show or hide the subtitle text row.



Colors must be inserted in css format. For example #FFFFFF for white color. By default you have to let the sign # in color fields.

Last x hours color, subtitle color, default font color

Colore ultime x ore

Here it's possible to set title color (for example "last 3 hours") to adapt title to your site modules colors.

Colore sottotitolo

Here it's possible to set subtitle color (for example "Module v1 beta") to adapt it to your site modules colors.

Default font color

With this setting you can modify the default font color. It is applied to the text under the progress bar that show time and number of the image frame. 



They are three settings applied to the image border inside the module.

Top margin, image border width, image border color

Top margin

It's the top margin of the image in pixel (write only the number without px) or the distance between the image and the text above.

Image border width

It's the border thickness in pixel around the module image (write only the number without px).

Image Border Color

Here you can set the color of the border around the image.



Progress-bar or "time bar" is the red line under the image and show the passage of time, frame by frame. 

Width calc, height in pixels, progress-bar color, top margin, bottom margin

Width calc

With some themes, specially if responsive, when the progress bar is not shown well, its width must be calculated relative to the content div, that is in percentual instead of in pixels that is the default method.

Height in pixels

It's the progress-bar height in pixel, for example 3 for 3px (only numbers without px).

Progress-bar color

It's the progress-bar color in CSS format, for example #FFFFFF for white.

Top margin

It is the space between the progress-bar and the bottom border of the image in pixel (only numbers without px).

Bottom margin

It's the space between the progress-bar and the frame counter in pixel (only numbers without px). 

Module elements


1) Title text is fixed except for the hours indicating the simulation time as set in the module preferences. There, time is indicated in minutes and then calculated - eventually rounded - in hours.

2) Subtitle is modifiable in the module preferences.

3) Frame width ca be adjusted, while height is automatically recalculated by browser related to frame width.

4) Time bar shows time elapsed, frame by frame.

5) Below the time bar are shown: time of the current frame, the current frame number and the total number of frames of the entire simulation.



All webcam images taken using a Foscam ipcam model FI8905W gently furnished by
"Your Security Partner"

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